2019-04-19 - Sakuro Cadence


~10.9 mi @ ~13.5 min/mi

"I want to be an Army Ranger / Live a life of sex and danger!" K-Rex reports overhearing a slightly-naughty cadence when passing a phalanx of military runners. Dawn Patrol scarcely needs headlamps this morning as we trot around Pimmit Hills, past the Metro and back via pedestrian cut-through paths. ER sets a brisk pace for the first half dozen miles, after which Roadkill and K-Rex drop him off to make early meetings. We then throttle back for a bonus mindful meander.

"Yoshino has five petals; Kanzan look like carnations." K-Rex identifies cherry blossom varieties and names other flowering trees. At McLean High School track the chin-up bars reveal a great opportunity for more upper-body strength work. Coney Count = 2, big bunnies at miles 5 and 8.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-05-05